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Found 89 results for any of the keywords alar base. Time 0.006 seconds.
Alar Base Reduction - Dr ShahidiRhinoplasty surgeons often use the procedure to correct size or flared nostrils that aren’t in proportion to the rest of the person’s face. The end result is a more refined nose that “fits” the rest of the face for a har
Structured Rhinoplasty SurgeryDr Shahidi has extensive training in Rhinoplasty surgery and specialises in the Structured Rhinoplasty approach.
Turbinoplasty - Dr ShahidiTurbinoplasty, otherwise known as nasal turbinate reduction, is a surgical procedure used to treat turbinate hypertrophy — a condition that occurs when turbinates, the small structures inside the nose, become swollen and
Male Rhinoplasty Before and After Gallery Archives - Dr ShahidiMale Rhinoplasty Before and After Commonly known as a nose job, the rhinoplasty remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures here at Dr. Shahidi’s office. Part of his outreach efforts have extended to men who may
Female Rhinoplasty Before After Gallery (Female) Archives - Dr ShahiFemale Rhinoplasty Before and After When you look at female rhinoplasty before and after pictures, you may often see dramatic results. Even modest cosmetic alterations to the nose can have a noticeable aesthetic impact.
ENT Surgeon Specialist Sydney - ENT Doctor | Dr ShahidiDr Shahidi is an experienced Nose Specialist Surgeon and can diagnose and treat conditions of the nose.
Nasal Blockage, Epistaxis, Nasal Polyps MoreNasal blockage has many causes which include viral infections such as the common cold, bacterial sinusitis, allergies and sensitivity to irritants.
Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Sydney | Dr ShahidiRhinoplasty or Nose Job is procedure to change the appearance of the nose. Dr Shahidi has extensive experience in rhinoplasty surgery.
Computer Imaging Your New NoseAfter your consultation Dr. Shahidi uses a sophisticated Computer Imaging Programme to show you an approximation of your post operative appearance.
Female Rhinoplasty - Dr ShahidiFemale rhinoplasty in Sydney by Dr Shahidi. Achieve your desired facial balance and harmony with a natural-looking nose job.
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